Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Geology Report

3 different types of rock are found on the planet in the form of igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary. Igneous rocks are formed due to volcanoes while Metamorphic rocks are formed due to the increased temperature and pressure that is found in the crust of the earth. Sedimentary rocks are formed when different layers of soil are compressed on top of each other.

Metamorphic rocks:

This rock is formed through the metamorphism of shale.

Igneous rocks:

This rock is formed through rapid solidification of melt.

Sedimentary rocks:

This rock is formed from the accumulation of shell coral and algal.

A great way to classify soil is through the use of the soil triangle as talked about in class. Simply follow each percentage on the three sides to classify any type of soil found.  Every type of soil can be classified in the 12 soil orders of the earth as described in the following link:


Below is also a diagram of the soil triangle.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Simple Homemade Barometer

A barometer is used to measure the pressure in the surrounding atmosphere. Such devices can be quite precise, complicated, and intricate. A barometer can also b made from simple household items and while it may not be the most precise instrument in the field, it can still provide insight into the changes in pressure at certain locations.

Making the barometer requires little more than putting a flexible membrane such as a balloon on the top of a fixed volume of air and taping a straw to the top which allows measurements to be taken as the below moves up and down according to the pressure.

Using data obtained from the pressure in the atmosphere and the subsequent height at the end of the straw, a graph can be plotted to show what resulting straw locations are produced from different pressures. The table of data and resulting plot are shown below.